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  • Member ofDemeter,
  • Member ofVereenegung fir Bio-Landwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg asbl.

Guy Meyers-Weis - Meyershaff

Guy Meyers discovered his curiosity for organic agriculture in the 80’s after reading a book about the planet’s boundaries. Since there is no Planet B, he opted for a farming system, which nurtures the soil, respects nature and leaves planet earth fertile and viable for future generations. In 1996, he took over his family business and familiarised himself with organic farming.

The farm specialised in chicken husbandry in Demeter quality. The thought out barn system with direct access to a vast green outdoor area enables the hens to pursue their everyday routines. This includes clawing and sand bathing, laying eggs, but also exercising and starting a family. That is why the organic farm is keeping roosters too. They are in charge to protect “their” hens and chicks and thus enable a social life for the animals. Moreover, farm dog Cäsar protects them from all kinds of danger. In the meantime, he enjoys lying in between the planted apple trees along with his fellow animal friends.

Furthermore, Guy is part of the initiative “ökologische Tierzucht”. Their goal is to abolish the system of the one-sided hybrid breeding and to establish the dual usage race, which increases the chance at life for all the animals. Hence, male chicks are raised for poultry fattening and female chicks are kept for the production of eggs. Due to the husbandry of different races, Guy Meyers sells both his white and brown eggs in a mixed box in the NATURATA stores. The farm store on the Meyers-Haff exists since 2014.

“Every egg is a piece of art: no matter if big or small, white or spotted – every egg should find its way to the end consumer.”

Other features on the Demeter farm

The biodynamic farm is not only home for all these chickens, but also accommodates cattle of the Limousin race, which produce tender meat for the NATURATA stores. Especially the proximity of the selling venture to the farm builds trust that the clients value.
Additionally to the animal husbandry, the exploitation manages arable fields and pastureland. Guy invests a lot of time in humus formation and soil fertility and uses biodynamic preparations to achieve both these goals. He treats his fields as little as possible following the Wenz system, which promotes regenerative arable farming and strives for an active soil. Additionally, the cultivation of multiple flowering strips optically enhances the landscape and promotes the biodiversity of insects.

Guy Meyers is a member of the BIOG association, which collects, processes and markets his products.

After taking over our parents' farm, we immediately switched to organic farming because I cannot do any other form of farming out of an inner conviction.

Guy Meyers-Weis
  • Meyers Gal3
  • Meyers Gal14
  • Meyers Gal15
  • Meyers Gal16
  • Meyers Gal13
  • Meyers Gal12
  • Meyers Gal11
  • Meyers Gal10
  • Meyers Gal9