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  • Member ofDemeter,
  • Member ofVereenegung fir Bio-Landwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg asbl.

Alexander Schanck - Schanck-Haff

The pioneer in organic farming Luxembourg

Producing in harmony with nature

The organic farm Schanck-Haff is managed with the motivation to develop a versatile agricultural business organism while preserving the natural environment and producing alternative energy. Family Schanck believes that high quality food can only be produced within a healthy nature. The decision for biodynamic agriculture was made thanks to the extensive background knowledge of Demeter farmers about agricultural and environmental problems. In general, one can sense the desire for knowledge and curiosity for innovation on this farm, since only this type of farming leads into the future in all areas. The conversion began with idealism and the problems were overcome through constant learning. Thus, the Schanck-Haff is living proof that organic farming also works in the north of the country, and has done so for 40 years now.

I did not want to continue the chemical-based conventional agriculture, which is a great burden for humans, animals and nature. Biodynamic agriculture with its holistic and practical approaches convinced me. Demeter cultivation has great potential for the future.

Jos Schanck

Relationship between human and product

On the farm, the cows are respected in their anatomy and positioned as domestic animals. For Jos Schanck, the dairy cow is the most useful animal in agriculture. With the help of the carefully treated cow manure, the meadows become beautifully lush and the arable crops result in high yields. Special attention is paid to the feeding and husbandry of the animals in order to obtain healthy milk. In total, there are 40 cows with offspring and breeding bulls, which form a uniform herd with horns. The dairy cattle are adapted to the farm and its structure and the self-produced roughage is used as hay. The animals have a spacious box pen with straw bedding available in winter and graze on the grassland in summer. Most of the milk is processed into Öslinger (Nothern) cheese in the BIOG cheese dairy. The variations include for example "Haarden", "Natur", "Deelentramt", "Paprika", "Knuewelek", "Peffer" and "Moschter". Through the artisan production, the final products become individual in taste and appearance.

In addition to animal husbandry with fodder cultivation, cereals and field crops are also grown on the Schanck-Haff and marketed through the wholesaler BIOGROS. To complete the cycle of nature, the fattening pigs use sorted vegetables and waste grain as well as whey.

The Schanck-Haff has been cultivating carrots for 30 years. These are seed-solid varieties from biodynamic breeding, which provide a particularly good taste. The firm cooking potato varieties Nicola and Belinda are also cultivated. In addition, cereal varieties are bred according to special selection criteria in cooperation with the IBLA. Thus, varieties are developed that are optimally adapted to the conditions on the farm. The cultivation is based on harmony and the interaction of various factors in the soil - a versatile crop rotation along with the incorporation of clover grass and the use of organic fertiliser feed the soil organisms, stimulate nitrogen binding and produce humus-rich soil. These processes are supported and encouraged by the biodynamic preparations. Such a life-giving soil is the best prerequisite for producing healthy plants for humans and animals.

A prize-worthy farm and much more...

In addition to renouncing artificial fertilisers and chemical pesticides on the farm, the exploitation is actively protecting the environment. Initiatives, such as planting more than 4 km of hedges and one hectare of fruit trees and establishing a wetland area, all promote biodiversity. In addition, the farm operates a PV system and holds a stake in the wind farm Hëpperdanger Wandenergie Gesellschaft Sàrl. It is not for nothing that the Schanck-Haff received the first environmental prize in 1986.

Schanck-Haff is a member of the BIOG cooperative and a shareholder in the BIOG dairy, which purchases, processes and markets milk that is not processed in the farm cheese dairy.

  • Schanck Gal4
  • Schanck Gal6
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  • Schanck Gal15
  • Schanck Gal12
  • Schanck Gal16