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  • Member ofVereenegung fir Bio-Landwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg asbl.

Lynn Jemming

The right path for the farm is organic

Family Jemming-Schmit, which includes both parents Jean-Marie and Marie-Antoinette and their three children Bob, Pol and Lynn, runs its 38ha organic farm in Kahler. When they came across the IBLA and started looking into the subject of organic farming, it became clear that this type of farming could be interesting for the exploitation. As a family, they decided together in 2009 to produce organically. According to Lynn, this is the best way to make the most of the resources used and thus to get the biggest output of the farm. In addition, everyone can identify with the organic philosophy, which means that there is a balance and harmony between ideology and economy.

The family specialises in two productions: the Limousin cattle herd with 40 cows and the more than one thousand organic chicken including egg production. Due to the expansion of the husbandry and egg production, all operations are now carried out automatically, from feeding the chicken to collecting the eggs. Hereby, the animal welfare and the quality of the products are always in the focus.

An overall concept for the egg production

The family sells their eggs to a regular private customer base, such as restaurants, hotels and Maisons Relais. Customers can also collect them through an 24/7 accessible refrigerator on the farm itself (see photo). The other part of the production is delivered to the Bio-Ovo cooperative. After all, this involves almost 4000 eggs per week. Here they are being checked, sorted, packed and marketed under the brand name. This requires strict rules according to the guidelines of organic farming, such as 100% organic feeding, at least 10% of the feed consisting of local grains, various place-per-animal regulations and a winter garden. Since the animals can access a lot of grassland, new grass needs to be planted in a short amount of time. The special feature of the farm is the new mobile henhouse, which allows the animals to be taken to different grazing areas, so that they can always enjoy the necessary open air areas. Both the fixed and the mobile henhouse each accommodate around 500 animals and are equipped with a winter garden.

The organic farm is one of the Natur genéissen farms and thus makes 5% of its area available to nature in the form of natural areas and structural elements. In accordance with the biodiversity treaty, the Jemming-Schmit's have created a river bank protection strip along the stream of considerably 280 metres for this purpose. This program provides additional environmental protection measures for our regional landscape.

The Jemming-Schmit family is a member of the BIOG cooperative, which purchases, processes and markets their products.

  • Jemming Gal7
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  • Jemming Gal2